i only wanna be your saturday saviour

To all of you who have been saying that I need some vacation time, you were right. Absolutely, 100% correct. John needed time to let go and have nothing to do for a few days. I work a lot during the week, but even with my time off, I’m productive. I clean the house. I go shopping. I find something to keep me busy. I hoped that to be true in Illinois, but instead I kicked back.

I didn’t get up to IKEA, the Apple Store, or any of the other places I wanted to hit. I spent time with my family. I watched movies. Did some wrestling with the kids. Slept. Sat around. Laughed. It’s like Office Space. I did nothing and it was everything that I hoped it could be.

I also got sick. It happens. What can you do? It gave me more of a chance to spend time with the birthday girl. Julia turned seven. We shopped together and had a good time. Guess that just means that I’ll have to come back soon and hit the city.

Do I have to go back to work tomorrow?
