i just wanna be a page

Isn’t it sad how we chase that light at the end of the tunnel known as a paycheck? For me, I feel fortunate to be able to do what I love. It makes it all very worth it. The long nights. The bruises. The cuts. The wise crack remarks sent in my direction. You know what I’m talking about. Workplace chatter. Slamming each other through intense, well thought, verbal attack. It’s like an intellectual fist fight. You have to be careful. It’s also how you get nicknames.

I have to buy new bass strings. Some times, I like proper tuning. Other days, I like to drop into D. Most days, I like living in the world of G. I have found that that strings don’t like it when you tune up and down like that. After a while, they kind of fray. Never had that happen before. I’ve busted my share of strings, all four at different times times. Bass strings really pack a punch when they snap back and hit your forearm.

Really gearing up for my trip into the Chicago area this weekend. It’ll be good to get out of town for a few days. In fact, I’m getting told by a lot of people that I need to take some vacation. Fear not, those plans are in full motion. Muffin and I are getting the plans nailed down to go visit Eric. So much that we have our dates picked, mode of transportation, and… that’s about it. Guess we need to do some more planning. This includes a route there from his place. We’ve got some time to think about it, but it wouldn’t be an adventure without some form of not having a clue as to what we are doing. And then there’s NYC. Plans are in the process.

Sunny day, today. I like the sun. I would like more of that, please.
