Tag: Baseball

  • The Love for Sport

    I think it’s important to point out that I’m titling this post “The Love for Sport” instead of using the phrase, “of Sport”.

    WFC2 vs TFC2, April 2015

    Let’s come back to that idea later.

    There is something to be said about the subject of sport because I certainly have my interests and am not relatively shy to admit it.

    Working the sidelines for TSN Radio at the 102nd Grey Cup, November 30, 2014

    Futbol (soccer), hockey, and baseball are among the top of the list, but I also appreciate rugby, Australian football, a good tennis match, nearly any sport featured in the Olympics, and the occasional gridiron football game but get more engagement from the Canadian version than the American flavor these days.

    But I literally grew up in the hills off in the distance that you see in the background of the baseball field that Kevin Costner’s character built in Field of Dreams, so you can bet I grew up playing baseball.

    Field of Dreams Movie Site, July 2010
  • Birthday Girl on a Cold, Iowa Winter Day

    Birthday Girl on a Cold, Iowa Winter Day
    It was her birthday and we spotted this installation near the diamonds I grew up playing baseball at. When the birthday girl wants a photo here, you stop.

  • Nat Bailey Stadium is ready to play ball

    Sneak Preview of Nat Bailey Stadium for 2010

    We stopped by Nat Bailey Stadium the other night to check out some promotional stuff that the Vancouver Canadians are getting ready in anticipation of their upcoming season. Along with their new scoreboard, the smell of fresh paint was everywhere while I had some freedom to take a few shots around the grandstand.

    Sneak Preview of Nat Bailey Stadium for 2010 Sneak Preview of Nat Bailey Stadium for 2010
    Sneak Preview of Nat Bailey Stadium for 2010 Sneak Preview of Nat Bailey Stadium for 2010

    Baseball is summer. Looking forward to sitting in those seats a few times in the coming months.

  • Be kind to the baseball gods

    Henry sent me a link to this story, and I completely forgot about it until reading this. And when you read the entire article, you can make sense of why in terms of the time line of historical events.

    Long story short, this is a great story of two kids who faced each other in the Little League World Series in August of 2001. Cerda was the smallest and youngest player for the losing team, and Almonte was the dominant and menacing pitcher for the winning team, only to be found guilty of breaking the most elemental rule of little league baseball. He was 14, two years beyond the allowed age limit of 12.

    Like I said, I forgot about this until now, but what a rebound for Cerda, going to my Cubs no less. What a dream.

  • Fenway Park cameraman shows off his expensive toy of a day job

    This is pretty wicked. Found this via Robert Scoble who found it via Jakob Lodwick, and what we have here is an incredible video that was put together by Tom Guilmette who is not only an avid video enthusiast, but his day job is being a camera man in the outfield at Fenway Park, home of the Boston Red Sox.

    This short video is a small tour of the camera he uses to do his job, and the camera he used to make this video blog of sorts isn’t anything to sneeze at as well.

    Fenway HD Camera – Sony HDC-910 – Canon 75x from Tom Guilmette on Vimeo.

    I would love to be able to do something like this with my day job, but in all honestly, radio is not as pretty and it sounds. No seriously, it sounds way better than what it technically takes to make radio happen.