Tag: BarCampVancouver08

  • Follow-up on BarCampVancouver 2008

    BarCampVancouver2008 Photocamp

    BarCampVancouver 2008 seemed to come up on us all too quickly, and I would have to declare the event an overall success. From the party on Friday night to the all day affair on Saturday, Granville Island was a great campus this year. We completely lucked out on the weather as well, so you can’t ask much more than that.

    BarCampVancouver2008 WordCamp

    WordCamp was also a really great event that I got to be apart of. I tried to help out with the planning alongside Duane and Rebecca, but there was a bit more to be done the day of than expected. After some quick ghetto engineering, the screen and projector worked out great, and the sessions were all really good. Hopefully my involvement in the genius Q&A portion of the day made sense for many of the attendees, and for a really great run down on the sessions, check out Rebecca’s post.

    BarCampVancouver2008 Photocamp

    Photocamp was another point of enjoyment for myself. I mostly caught the last few sessions with Tris Hussey, Derek Miller, and John Biehler, but they were well worth the time to learn a bit more about photo sharing sites and various pieces of gear that I’m all too poor to spend money on.

    The day concluded with a brief photowalk around Granville Island, so I’ll include a few shots or you can see the entire set on Flickr.

    BarCampVancouver2008 Photowalk

    BarCampVancouver2008 Photowalk

    BarCampVancouver2008 Photowalk

    BarCampVancouver2008 Photowalk

    BarCampVancouver2008 Photowalk

    BarCampVancouver2008 Photowalk

    Good times, and I can’t wait to do it again next year.

  • BarCampVancouver 2008

    Just a quick post this morning to say that I’m here at BarCampVancouver 2008 on Granville Island. It’s turning out to be an amazing fall day, perfect for strolling around the area to see various sessions and presentations for this year’s BarCamp.

    I’m currently waiting for everyone to show up at the WordCamp location at the PTC. Everything is good to go, but I’m unfortunately missing out on the scheduling session back at HQ.

    Yah BarCamp!

  • Mark the date for BarCampVancouver 2008: September 27th

    As we head into the late stages of summer and fall is still a little ways under the horizon, that only means one thing. BarCampVancouver 2008!

    Session: "identity 2.0"

    Planning is still going on, but one thing has been set for this unconference. September 27th is date for this year’s BarCampVancouver, and I’m sure the events, gatherings, and other mischief will extend from that.

    BarCamp is an ad-hoc un-conference born from the desire for people to share and learn in an open environment. It is an intense event with discussions, demos and interaction from attendees.

    All attendees are encouraged to give a demo, a session, a presentation, or help with one. All attendees are expected to be participants. All presentations are scheduled the day they happen. Prepare in advance, but come early to get a slot on the wall.

    Presenters are responsible for making sure that notes/slides/audio/video of their presentations are published on the web for the benefit of all and those who can’t be present.

    Anyone with something to contribute or with the desire to learn is welcome and invited to join. [barcampvancouver]

    I had to miss last year’s BarCamp due to my hectic day job at the time, but things are slightly different now so I should be able to attend without too much concern. I have even thrown my hat into the ring in terms of helping organize the event, so it’ll be a lot of fun seeing how this comes together behind the scenes.

    Another thing I will say about BarCampVancouver is that the one I attended in 2006 was one of the best things I have probably ever done. I met so many people that have become great friends, and there were a lot of things that I learned as well.

    In fact, when I think back to it, it’s amazing to see where the “Techcouver” community was then and where it is now. One might say that it’s changed quite a bit, but it’s an amazing community nonetheless. Of course, the technology has made some leaps as well, but that goes without saying.

    So, mark the date! September 27th is the day for BarCampVancouver!