BarCampVancouver: Open source wireless jam

It’s tough to get a single in here right now. As soon as lunch was over, the bandwidth got gobbled up. We’ll see when I can get around to getting this published.

Open source media is the session I’m sitting in right now. It’s amazing how well I can listen and type at the same time. But the focus is how much the realm of how media relations and public relations has changed. Are press releases a thing of the past? Are blogs the future way in which companies release their major news announcements?

And why am I listening to this? Well, with podcasting, who do you communicate with the public? You can’t just say, “I’m podcasting and people will get my message through that method.” No. It won’t work that way. Just because you have a radio transmitter, not everyone will be listening to the radio. You have to do more to get your information out.

It’s probably not promoted enough, but I blog a lot about what the podcast does here. Trials, news, and other information as it comes about. Perhaps I don’t promote that enough, but it’s more than what the podcast just is, right?

I finally have wireless, so time to get this posted. Tod Maffin just arrived and will host his CBC session later as well.

BarCampVancouver: Morning over

The pizzas just arrived and the noon horn just sounded from the BC Hydro Plant. That means the morning sessions are officially over.

BarCampVancouver: Ryan thinks everything is wrong with podcastingSo far, I’ve sat through three sessions and overheard a fourth. The last one was about java programming which was incredibly cool. I should probably paid more attention to that one, and I can already see what was being demonstrated as being turned into a WordPress plugin. Basically, it’s a what to fill out forms, and when typing the date, you can enter in “tomorrow” or “two days from now”, only to have the scripting turn it directly into the corresponding date. Neat stuff.

The digital archiving session gives you a lot to think about. From the basic way that you store information on your computer, all the way to what is going on in the world, saving your information is key. The true magic is making sure that whatever you do, it works and lasts for years and years to come.

BarCampVancouver: James Sherret - AdHackRyan Cousineau, a Metroblogging Vancouver contributer, led a session about all that is wrong with podcasting. The scale of the session stemmed further than just that specific medium, but that was the heart of the conversation in the end. What his main point was the meta level of the whole thing. Searching and finding information is difficult when it comes to the piles of audio out there. Should we be doing more to transcribe things so that the world can Google us easier? It’s an interesting and vaild concept. Gave me a little bit to think about.

James Sherret led a session about a new project that he is heading. AdHack is a brilliant idea, and I’m excited to see it launch. Today was kinda the unveiling of the venture. It’s a worthwhile way to truly reconsider how advertising works.

Keep checking the Flickr stuff(mine and Rebecca’s).

My pizza is getting cold. More later.

It’s a wireless orgy here

I take pictures with my Nokia, go to send it over to my laptop via Bluetooth, and the sucker could spend all day discovering devices.

The bandwidth is a little jammed in WorkSpace as well. We’ll see how that affects me or Rebecca doing any posting.

Getting it started at BarCampVancouver

BarCampVancouver 2006: the board of death...  er, sessionsSitting at our first session at BarCampVancouver. We’re a little run down on sleep, but we’re here.

I’m not sure how much posting will get done today, but pay attention to the Flickr[tag: BarCampVancouver].

There are a lot of very itelligent people here as well as some familiar faces. Some I’ve met before, others I’ve seen a lot of pictures or read a lot of their blogs. Always weird meeting up with folks. Makes you feel like a stalker in a way.

Podcasting has been mentioned just a few times, but now sessions regarding the topic specifically. We’ll see what happens as the day goes on.

Digital Archiving. I gotta pay full attention now.

Last night with Matthew Good

Matthew Good: packed up and ready to leave townAs of this post, it’s still what you would consider tonight. Past midnight, that makes our night of hanging out in, as of later today, the former home Matthew Good actually happening last night. It might just be his last night in Vancouver, ever.

I wanted to sit down and hammer out some thoughts about the whole experience before I head to bed for this night. When the sun rises in the morning, I have to come down off this high and try to focus on a discussion about web-blogging-podcasting-geeky stuff at BarCamp.

So much of that techie stuff has become apart of who I am in life, but music is that one thing I find myself constantly coming back to. It kinda meshed in that tiny, empty apartment in Coal Harbor. Rebecca had the honor, and duty, of live blogging the whole event, and I have to say that for her first time out at doing such a thing, it turned out pretty freaking stellar.

I know I said that I wanted to record things tonight for the podcast, and that did not happen. I’ll be completely honest. I’m not sorry or sad about that. In fact, I didn’t even ask. I had my minidisc and crappy Berhinger mic in my bag, all ready to go. When the dogs ran up to me as we entered the front door of the apartment, I was content with letting the night unfold with the plan that was already in store.

Audio would not have done this night justice. I know there was video taken a few times, but it won’t portray the signifigance of the night. Maybe this is just my gut reaction at being invited into Matt’s secluded world. He’s about to take a huge leap into another chapter, maybe even a whole new book, in his life. Somehow, I got to be there as he said so long to this one.

Matthew Good: Benji is the one in chargeThis was the second time that I’ve seen Matt perform. My first one was shortly after I arrived in Vancouver to start my new life here with Rebecca. It was even my first rock show that I ever saw here, and those are important events in my life. It’s just a simple reality that these things stick with you. I still remember the first, real rock show that I went to(Davenport, IA at the Col Ballroom – Starfish, The Reverend Horton Heat, The Toadies, and The Butthole Surfers) like it was yesterday. The various road trips for other shows and festivals. New York, Austin, Minneapolis, and Milwaukee. Those are some of the best memories.

This isn’t about a brush with a celebrity or bragging about hanging out with someone famous. I’ve had my run-ins with a fair share of rock stars in my life. Working in public radio, I shook the hands of a lot of people that are way more smarter and successful that I could possibly dream. It feels like more than that, but not so much that I’m better than you, if that makes any sense.

That’s how I felt leaving Matt’s tonight. It’s tough for me to not call him on a first name basis because he feels like more of a friend because of that. He’s just a good guy. Outspoken, a master of his craft, intelligent, and full of a lot of great stories. I’d like to hang out with him and a bottle of whiskey for a few hours. That would be a trip.

It’s tough to really convey this experience. I’m trying to let thoughts from the top of my head just flow out, but so many tangents are getting in the way.

I can’t forget to mention the people there, and this might be where the impact of this is hitting me a little more. One guy, originally from Newfoundland, flew in from Texas to be there. It gets better. Of course, there was one gal who came from Victoria, and a variety of other lower mainlanders got the invite as well.

Then there was the chick from Edmonton that flew over, and another girl coming all the way from Maryland. There was another dude there from the U.K., but he’s studying at a local university anyway so that doesn’t totally count. Matt’s looking to travel to his neck of the woods in the not too distant future, and they discussed plans for meeting up while he’s in the neighborhood.

Out of all of this, the only guy to bring beer with the dude from Texas. Low and behold, Stella isn’t that bad. I’ll still take a pale ale over it any day. Regardless, look at how far these people went to be here. We just took a bus to get our butts over there from BarCamp and felt bad for being a little late. And to top that, the chick from Maryland walked straight off the plane and out of YVR to get there as soon as she could; there stands a chance that her baggage might still be in the terminal by the time I publish this.

Left to Right: Me, Matthew Good, Rebecca [Flickr:miss604]When we finally made our exit, we spoke to Matt one last time. And if you have been reading his blog, you know that he has been going through a rough spot in his life. Sadly enough, he just now discovered how close we lived to him and even mentioned how we could have hung out if he knew it sooner. He’s quite the Apple geek, much like myself. Somewhere within that, I’m sure we might have got along.

It will be very strange to know that he’s gone from this city, even if I haven’t been here that long. He’ll still be blogging, and I plan on keeping track of what he’s up to. He has a plan. As to when, where, and for how long, you’ll just have to wait and see.

Be sure to watch my Flickr for photos once I post them, and also be sure to check out Rebecca’s(Flickr). On top of that, keep an eye on the podcast. We’ll be sure to sit down and share some more thoughts about the whole thing.

Needless to say, thanks for inviting us, Matt. It was really great to finally meet you, play with the dogs, have Rod make us laugh, and hear you perform. Look us up if you’re ever back in town.

Weekend craziness begins tonight

We’ve jammed a lot into this summer, and this week has been no exception. I accompanied Rebecca to another MetroBlogging Vancouver meetup this past Tuesday night, but there was no recording taking place at this one. It was just a small group and a good time had by all. And if you were there and didn’t have fun, I know that we did.

On Wednesday, Preston threw a dinner party at some Chinese place that I don’t know the name of or how to get there, really. He picked up the tab to celebrate the ending of his bankruptcy. One should note that CDs and DVDs don’t sell well on eBay anymore. He’s off to bigger and better things now.

SO much seafood. I think I dreamed about it because it was that good and seemed like they were never going to stop bringing out more courses. Literally, at one point, the host tapped me on the shoulder and said, “Good luck!”

I’ve had a variety of projects going on lately. I’ll drop a hint about a new podcast project that I’m working on, but that’s about it for now. More as those details get sorted out. I’m also the new guy in charge of membership for the Association of Music Podcasters(AMP). Learning the ropes there has been interesting. All of this has put a kink into getting a podcast out in time, not to mention more network problems with Shaw(I shake my fist at you!).

Tonight, BarCampVancouver kicks off. Rebecca and I are both going, but we’ll only be there for a little while tonight. We’ll return on Saturday morning for the presentations and discussions. I hope to get some ideas, meet some cool people, share opinions, and see what other trouble I can get myself into. I’m not completely sure what to expect, but I’m taking what I’m doing with the blog and podcast to see what’s up.

Matthew Good has invited a few, select people to come over to his apartment tonight for a completely unplugged, stripped down performance. This will be, according to him, his last night in Vancouver. He’s packing up and heading out to wander the world like Kane in Kung Fu.

Rebecca, on her string of good luck, emailed to be there. Not only did she get in, but she is live blogging the event. I’m going as a plus one and really have no clue what to expect. I feel like I’ll be witnessing a major moment in music history, and let’s hope the folks at BarCampVancouver are cool with us missing out on their cool thing to go do this other incredible opportunity.

Ideally, what I would love to do, is just have my minidisc recording in some corner of the room. I could care less about quality and the fact that it would be done in mono. It would be an incredible thing to record, if not podcast. We’ll just have to see what Matt is comfortable with.

Outside of all of this, I’m focusing on Sunday. Oh yes… Beach? I’ve got my eye on you. And maybe some sleep, too.

Vate podcasts some personal tunes

Vate - 060303For those who listen to the podcast, you have heard me mention Vate more than a few times. He’s a mexican electronic music artist that contacted me some months back about playing his music on the podcast. I have since made his material a permanent fixture by using it in a variety of samples, the main theme being the obvious one.

Vate has been doing the Electronica Mexicana podcast for a while now, but the updates come at various intervals. It’s a straight up feed, served through, and the feed is Updating my group of subscribed podcasts today, he released the tracks from his latest album, “060303”.

If you dig the electronic, you should subscribe. I listened through them once so far and really like what I heard. And you know that this stuff will be making its way into the podcast.

The PNE is the place to get your corn dog fix

Photo Credit: Rebecca(miss604) [flickr]And you know that I got mine. It was warm, greesy, breaded, pork on a stick goodness. Sadly, it was no footlong corn dog like I was hoping and praying for. I kept my eye out for a stand, but they only carried the “regular” sized ones. They were probably jumbos, and I wasn’t complaining once I started devouring this artery clogging product. A real symbol of summertime, let me tell you.

Oh yeah, and there’s an entire fair that goes on at the Pacific National Exhibtion(PNE). We ventured out there with some of Rebecca’s family to ride some rides, see the sights, and toss money at overly priced stuff. This was my first time ever experiencing this event, and I have to say that I had a really good time, even if local folks, like The Vancouverite(which has expanded to a podcast), say otherwise .

The “fair rides” are a meshing of makes up Playland, plus some additions for the PNE festivities itself. A buzz killer to the excitement of running from ride to ride and giving your senses a good whiplash was that some of them cost some extra cash on top of the $30 stamp that was supposed to get your onto all rides. I’m tending to think that they do this on the really popular attractions or for those that require a little extra time and effort to run, but it sucks. I just wanted to ride the Hellavator. Geez.

I grew up just blocks from the county fair grounds in my home town, so there was a lot here that reminded me of home. I’ve never been to the Iowa State Fair, but I would imagine it to be incredibly similar to the PNE. Well, there’s probably a lot more “country flare” that you won’t see at the PNE, but it’s the basic idea that I’m getting at.

I saw dogs do some cool things, watched some ducks race, saw some pigs race, caught a cow getting milked, was cut off from getting my pulled pork sandwich fix by a parade with painful music being blasted into my ears, got a free Gillette Fusion, got a token fair lemonade, and got a candy apple that I just remembered is still in the fridge and will be eaten shortly.

I liked it. It’s a good time that only comes around once a year. Crowds, on the other hand, is something I still dislike. I was a little tired going into our adventure, and they got to me just a little bit, not to mention waiting in lines for rides. We actually got lucky and didn’t do a whole lot of that, but as the day progressed, I lost steam in my legs a little bit. That was mainly do to the fact that I wore flip-flops. When you get on something that flips you upside down and all around, you really have to work hard to keep those suckers on your feet.

Slow invasion of Home Depot

I caught word of this via a post on Wired, but imagine this. 225 people walk into a Home Depot. All of their watches are syncronized, and at a determined time, everyone starts moving in slow motion for five minutes. After that, shop normally for another five minutes. And then, freeze for another five minutes.

Improv Everywhere are the folks behind this, but don’t call them a flash mob. Their brand of organized fun is a little more than that. Be sure to check out the page for this “mission” on their website for a great write-up, as well as pictures and videos.

Pluto has feelings, too

What a load of crap.

Capping years of intense debate, astronomers resolved Thursday to demote Pluto in a wholesale redefinition of planethood that is being billed as a victory of scientific reasoning over historic and cultural influences. But the decision is already being hotly debated.

Officially, Pluto is no longer a planet.

There are certain things that you shouldn’t mess with. Taking Pluto out of the group of the rest of the planets is like telling the last kid picked for kickball that he can’t play anymore… or ever again.