Bettman wants to keep the NHL out of the 2014 Olympics

Continuing in the series of stupid things that NHL Commisioner Gary Bettman[wiki] is doing to grow the sport of hockey, the plan is keep players from participating in the 2014 Winter Olympics[wiki] in Russia.

The 2010 Vancouver Games could be the end of the NHL’s brief participation in Olympic hockey.

NHL commissioner Gary Bettman told Reuters on Tuesday that, following Vancouver, his league may rethink its policy of suspending play in mid-season so players can compete in the Olympics.

That means the 2014 Winter Games in Sochi, Russia, could be the first since the 1994 edition in Lillehammer to not feature hockey’s best men’s players.

“It is a strain. It is a strain on the players, on the schedule and on our fans here,” Bettman said at the Reuters media summit in New York.

“It has an impact on the momentum of the season and the benefits we get tend to be greater when the Olympics are in North America than when they’re in distant time zones.” [cbc]

I’m calling shenanigans on this one. Sure, the drastic difference in time zones is one thing, but the fact that the Russian Super Leagues[wiki] is consistently drawing players away from the NHL is the other half of the story.

NHL Draft on TV at Moose's Down Under Let’s be clear. The NHL has a salary cap, and the leagues in Russia don’t. Players can leave the NHL for more money to play in leagues that don’t have the posh superstructure that the NHL exists in, but the dollar amounts somewhat make up for it. The competition might just be as high, and the pay more than makes up for the fact that you’re not playing in the same league that Wayne Gretzky[wiki] became a legend in.

I talked about this in the latest episode of The Crazy Canucks, and we all agreed that this is nothing more than saber rattling being done by Bettman. It’s obvious that since the 2010 games are in Vancouver, there would be a huge support for having NHL players in the games when they come to the country where the sport was born. However, when the games go to the land that is stealing the league’s players away for more money, Bettman is sticking his nose up in the air.

Everything that Bettman has done with the league to this point has been, in his mind and/or words, done with the NHL’s best interest in mind. The ultimate goal is to grow the sport across the U.S. because any respectable hockey fan can tell you that a majority of profit for the league comes from Canada. The fans here love their hockey, and I live in a city that is proof to the fact.

When I think about this move, I go back to when the 1994 FIFA World Cup[wiki] came to the U.S. and how much that sparked my interest into the sport of soccer. Prior to that, my only real exposure to it was when I would go to Kansas City to visit my grandparents and see various games on Univision with the insanely entertaining announcers that spoke spanish way too fast for my comprehension.

The point is, I started liking the sport after 1994, and I still remember watching Alexi Lalas[wiki] and Cobi Jones[wiki] in that tournament. Today, when there is a game on the tube, I’ll stop and watch for a while. I’ll even download a game through bittorrent once and a while when it pops up in the various feeds I watch. There is only so much I can do when I watch a game between Manchester United and Everton to really understand the history, crowd chants, and rivalry, but I know good action when I see it, all thanks to the World Cup sparking my interest.

To me, that’s what having the best of the best from the NHL representing their country can do to grow the sport. There have been so many times in which I have heard Gary Bettman say something to the effect that something was done to help the NHL grow in terms of exposure for the sake of getting more fans, such as the choice of Versus being the TV network of choice in the U.S. How does taking players from the NHL out of the Winter Olympics make that work?

I get that there is chance of losing players to injury in the games, not forgetting that this is nearly 3/4 of the way into the season when the playoff race is close to the horizon. However, what’s the chance that you can help ride that momentum from the Olympics into the Stanley Cup Finals? For some, that might seem like a stretch, but think about that next Wayne Gretzky or Sidney Crosby who catches the games and decides to get a pair of skates the next day.

Not being in the Olympics would be a mistake, if not a missed opportunity, Mr. Bettman. It’s sad to know that a man like you can control the livelihood of a country, or even countries, just because you’re fed up with the way that another league, in another country, operates.

The Crazy Canucks #52 – We’re not complaining

Recorded and posted yesterday evening.

We haven’t been ignoring you. Life has been moving too fast for all of us to link up and get an episode recorded. We’re still without Rebecca on this one, and Alanah had to leave the rest of us half way through. Dave, J.J., and John stick it through to the end to round out the episode.

Record as of this episode: 13-9-2
Northwest Division: 1st
Western Conference: 3rd

A few episodes ago, we were down in the dumps. Even with all the players cycling through with injuries, we are not complaining about how well the Canucks have pulled together and surprised all of us. From the bench to the guys in goal, it’s been a nice few weeks, no matter how much Pronger sucks. Oh yeah, and Bertuzzi made his Vancouver homecoming.

53:11 minutes
The Crazy Canucks

Test driving the Brother MFC-9440CN Color Laser Multi-Function Center

Wow, is that ever the geekiest title I have ever put into a post. To give you a bit of back story, let me have this illustration that Darren Barefoot sent to Rebecca and I explain it further.

Marketing Comic Hilarity
Photo credit: miss604 on Flickr

I’m not exactly sure how long we get to test drive this thing, but the honking Brother MFC-9440CN showed up while we were in the states. After UPS called us, we got it delivered to Rebecca’s office. At that point, I had to meet her on my way home to get a taxi van to help us get it home.

Wanna see how big it is? Let me have this illustration explain it further. (I took the pictures. hehe)

re: barefoot
Photo credit: miss604 on Flickr

I’ll do my best to document the experiments that we’ll put to the test on this bohemith, and it will use some creativity to figure out how to do that. My guess is that when it’s time to give this thing back, I’ll understand that saying of not knowing what you got until what you’ve got is gone.

Interestingly enough, I was just scanning through the MacNN headlines when I caught, “Brother unveils color multifunction lasers“. Is that…? Yeah, it is! So not only has Brother unveiled these new printers, but we has gots one.

Sticking up for the Cambie Business Association

I hate the idea of lawsuits to get anything settled, but there is some validity to their argument. Being that I am commuting into the heart of the Canada Line construction, the businesses in that area are truly suffering from the mind numbing construction going on in that area.

Cambie Business Association considers lawsuit against TransLink

[…]They’re calling it a last resort. Leonard Schein with the Association says they would have preferred to negotiate with TransLink, but says after that went no-where, they’ve decided to take it to the next level. “The merchants would prefer not to have to go to a lawsuit because it costs everybody a lot of money, and we were hoping to negotiate a fair mitigation for the merchants, but we heard last Wednesday from TransLink that they aren’t going to pay one penny for any of the losses.”

Schein says many businesses have been suffering. “The Park Theatre has lost $160,000 from January 1st to October 31st and we still have another month of construction in front of the Park.”

A survey conducted by the Federation of Canadian Businesses last summer has found the average merchant has lost over $100,000 during the project. Shein says it’s not fair that merchants will have to pay out of their own pocket. A decision and vote on the lawsuit will take place December 12th.[news1130]

I will admit that a majority of my interaction with this construction is in the area where Cambie Street intersects with Broadway, so how the rest of the world on down the path exists is beyond personal experience. However, I’ve heard horror stories.

#15 going through Cambie St. war zone On the other hand, I will say that I spend as little extra time that I need to because of the Canada Line. Additionally, there are three other areas being developed that screw that entire neighborhood up in conjunction with all the TransLink construction. When you factor in a those three other buildings in their various phases of development, it’s a complete disaster, and that makes me not place the sole blame on TransLink.

I don’t know how many times I have heard people say how much they go out of their way to avoid the area around Cambie and Broadway[googlemaps], but it happens daily. Sure, this headache will be temporary, and I know it sounds like I’m a true Vancouverite that is complaining about anything and everything that annoys me. But, how much will the businesses in the area change after all this is done and over with?

You have to consider what the personal, economic effects this will have when it is complete. Sure, millions of people will be able to easily reach the airport via rail transit, but the lives it will complicate, if not destroy, when their businesses are forced to close down because we dread the traffic snarls just to get there is depressing. Life can and will go on, but the price might be too much for some to recover.

Will it be better that, down a major portion of the Cambie corridor, the trains will run underground so those who pass through don’t have to gaze upon an area of Vancouver that has been shocked into rediscovering itself once this is all said and done?

It’s not so much that these entrepreneurs deserve monetary compensation as much as they deserve a break for sticking through the tough times when everything is finished.

Unless, and this is a total conspiracy theory, your plan is to drive out existing tenants so you can overhaul the neighborhood, a la Coal Harbour[wiki] or Yaletown[wiki]?

Tips & Tools: Spyware removal software for Windows XP users

The main reason that I am making this post is for my sister-in-law’s mother, but I figure that it’s worth mentioning in a full out post. Since I’m back in the technical support realm of things in the world of broadcasting, I’ve gone back to my tricks of the trade when working in the Windows XP world, and this certainly works for those running Windows 2000 and ME.

No matter what websites you are or are not surfing while on a PC running Windows, spyware[wiki] lurks around every corner. You don’t have to download anything for it to find its way onto your machine, although that is one of numerous ways that it can get onto your machine. It can come from cookies, holes in the programming of your browser, or a variety of other ways that hackers are constantly trying to exploit.

When it starts getting painful to operate your computer and rebooting it just doesn’t fix the problem, try running the following two programs in conjunction with each other. They will scan and, hopefully, remove these malicious pieces of software from your computer. The best part is that they are completely free.

  • Spybot Search and Destroy
    If you are doing this for the first time, start with this program. Download and follow the directions. Don’t forget to download the latest virus definitions and immunize your computer against future problems when Spybot asks for it. A full scan with this program can take a while, and you might have to reboot your machine and cycle through with this program a few times before it can successfully eliminate any issues you might have.
  • Ad-Aware
    This is what I typically run second after already running a Spybot scan. When you first download Ad-Aware, don’t get confused between having to pay for the pro version of the software compared to the free version. Just cancel out of the window when it asks you to pay for the program. Once again, follow the directions and download the most up to date definitions so it knows what to look for and possibly remove from your computer. When you go to scan your computer, do the full scan, as this will look deep into your computer’s hard drive for anything that shouldn’t be there.

Once again, if this is your first time ever doing this on your computer, repeat this process a second time. I recommend this out of experience because it can save you from having to completely reinstall Windows onto your computer. However, if you still have problems, the issue might be too deep for this to be your solution.

In my time working in the I.T. realm of things, I can say that these problems typically come from those using Internet Explorer. There are points where you can’t get away from the browser, but if you want an extra line of defense from this happening, get Firefox and make that your default browser. It works extremely well, is less vulnerable to things like spyware, thrives in an open source community, has a strong user base, is very versatile, and is the browser that I use on both Mac and PC platforms. The learning curve isn’t that bad, but there are a variety of add-ons you can put into Firefox to enhance your use.

Just to give you a first hand account of how these tools have been effective for me, I ran into an issue with a machine where the user complained that it had become so sluggish that they couldn’t do anything with it, including shutting it down. Running Spybot, it found two issues and removed them. Never running Ad-Aware on the machine before, the full scan found 1,200 various files that were not supposed to be there. Repeated the process without finding anything a second time and turned the computer back over to the user. There haven’t been any issues since, but repeating the scans in the future will help keep the machine healthy. Well, at least until the next problem, such as spilling coffee in the keyboard, occurs.

I’m sure there might be other things out there that work well, so I invite readers to add them into the comments. And hopefully Carol will be able to fix the issues she was having with her PC.

So I’ve finally played Guitar Hero

dad you are so lucky i didn't buy you that for plant watering
Photo credit: gusgreeper on Flickr

While hanging out at Muffin’s house last Tuesday, I finally broke down and tried my hand at Guitar Hero[wiki]. Yes, it was the first edition of the game, but the bigger point is that I’ve tried my hand at this thing that has seemed to grip the gaming nation. I’ve been suckered into the Mario Kart[wiki] realms in the past and watched the disturbing rise of Dance Dance Revolution[wiki].

The Adam and Corinna are big GH fans, and I’ve never mustered up the extreme interest in picking up an axe and trying my hand at the game. The game looks and sounds like fun, but it never stuck me as something I really wanted to try. Stick me in front of a gaming console with a hockey game of some sort and you might have me asking for a try, even though I’ll have no clue how to play.

So, I’ve finally tried it. I had already thought that by knowing how to play bass and a little guitar would cause some conflict, and that was slightly the case. There is something to be said about having rhythm, and then it’s another story when you have to hit the right buttons when the game calls for it. To me, that’s more timing than the groove you kinda get when you are jamming on your guitar or bass. It kinda threw me at first, but I adjusted.

However, did you catch the recent episode of South Park about Guitar Hero? The part where they say something to the effect that it would be amazing what these kids could do if they spent all that time and energy learning how to actually play guitar versus playing a video game where they pretend. Made me laugh pretty hard.

And then Randy where he plays the game in his underwear. That was hilarious, but happened to me on the second time I tried my hand at the game, even on easy level. Of course, I wasn’t nearly naked when I did it, but maybe I should try that and see if I improve. Maybe it will make me man enough to tackle GH two or three now.

Back home, far from home

What a whirlwind tour is has been. Six days is not enough time to spend with family and friends, but I think we crammed as much as we could in the time that we had to do it. We almost threw a train into the equation, but my brain scheming plan of convincing Rebecca to spend the weekend in Seattle and grabbing a train back to Vancouver just sounded like too much. Still, for the time we had, I can’t think of changing a thing. Well, we could have stayed longer, but that’s the way it goes some times.

Leaving KC

We did a lot of driving. There’s no better way to put it than maybe add another “a lot” to that statement. Plenty of miles, not kilometers, were covered in a short period of time. To and from grandma’s house, then to and from my parent’s house, and we tossed in another trip to Iowa City to see some old co-workers and then some friends.

Rocking out to Shrek's Super Party

I got to see five of the original six roommates that I had in my first semester in college. Kris (aka Muffin), Adam (soon to be a father in May), Ryan, and Heath all were able to stop by for dinner and then hanging out to catch up. Even Bill and Dave, who came to our wedding along with Muffin, drove over from Des Moines, so it was a true college reunion. Can’t forget to mention Qi Qi and Kim, but they rank just as highly even if they weren’t there in the college days.

24 pounds of bird

Thanksgiving was just as you can imagine. Too much food, and way too many pies. I think I did alright in terms of the amount of food I took in, but running tomorrow morning is pretty high on my list. Gotta get my internal clock kinda reset as well.

Getting my butt kicked at Madden '06

Used to be a time where I liked video games, but I was never the best at being competitive. My nephews, on the other hand, are far more advanced in terms of how to play these games. There is nothing better in their minds than beating their uncle.

Walking to our gate in DSM
Hustle and bustle of ORD
Beer and MacBook in SEA

The time was too short, and the amount of traveling we did seemed to be far too much. It’s nice to be back home in Vancouver, but I completely have a travel hangover. Maybe it’s the lack of a good sleep schedule or the multitudes of recycled air in the planes, but it’s been a tough day of being home. Monday will come far too quick, but at least we’re stationary until then. Plus our luggage made it all the way with us, so that’s a bonus.

Reflections of good ol’ KCMO

I love Kansas City. I think it is one of the most forgotten about cities in the Midwest, if not the United States. KC lies in the middle where “The South” starts and the heart of the Midwest stops (at least the parts where farming is the prevailing stereotype of the area). My aunt calls it the “heart of America”, and that’s pretty spot on. You’re practically in the middle of the U.S. by geographical location[wiki].

kansas city, mo
Photo credit: miss604 on Flickr

This is where my mind had the ability to open up and understand that there is a lot more in the world that I have yet to experience, yet alone grasp the reality of. Small town Iowa and inner-city KC are two, vastly different worlds.

Diversity is just the tip of the iceberg. In one place, you can forget to lock the doors of your house when you go to bed and feel relatively okay, if not safe, with it when you find this out a few days later. There are parts of KC where you should probably keep your car doors locked and windows rolled up just to add a layer of protection that you don’t really need 99.8% of the time, but…. just in case.

Within the past fives years, it has changed a lot. There is such a push to revitalize the downtown core that old warehouses are being turned into condos for “luxurious loft living”. Driving through there on a Sunday, it was fairly empty and lacking traffic on nearly every block, but the signs of change are everywhere. Street work, new construction, etc.

There once was a time, and I think this goes for much or America, where bridges were built out of utility, giving decor or appearance an after thought. Those bridges of major river crossings and such were the ones to get royal treatments, but not the most simple of bridges get cosmetics added to them to add a little flare or appealing look rather than guard rails or cement protecting the sides. Highway 71 through downtown is a prime example of that, and is that ever nice to have. Makes getting to and from my grandma’s house and my aunt’s house so much easier, not to mention shorter in terms of travel time.

Can’t forget to mention that Sprint Center. That sucker is impressive from the outside, but we never got a chance to see what it looks like on the inside. According to my aunt and uncle, they are pushing that venue big time, pulling in all sorts of concerts to the arena so people get out and know that it exists.

sprint centre
Photo credit: miss604 on Flickr

The push for a NHL team is there as well. My uncle Mark seems to think that if a hockey team didn’t work in KC during the days of the WHA, a NHL team wouldn’t do so well. That was over 30 years ago. Rebecca and I agree that if the city did get a team, we’d certainly check out some games when we were in town to visit family (another Canadian team is where our hearts desire, but go KC before Las Vegas, please!).

old kansas city
Photo credit: miss604 on Flickr

Downtown, The Plaza, Westport, a quick u-turn into Kansas, and a drive by of Kauffman and Arrowhead Stadiums in a whirlwind tour of Kansas City, MO. Not too bad, and we even got to have breakfast with my grandma and great aunt before leaving the city on our next stop on the tour. It’s tough to spend such a short period of time with family after so long of not seeing them, but at least the time was good, if not cherished.

union station, kansas city
Photo credit: miss604 on Flickr

Oddly enough, Rebecca and I both came to the conclusion that Missouri is actually flatter, if not less hilly, than Iowa. It’s amazing how much you notice after being gone for as long as I have from the Midwest. I even opened my cousin Sarah’s eyes to the numerous places that you can get fried chicken from in KC as much as you can get good barbecue.

I (heart) KCMO

Back in Iowa for the first time in two years

Photo credit: miss604 on Flickr

The jaunt that it took to get us to the Midwest has been a tad torturous. Bellingham to Seattle to Chicago to Des Moines, and from there we snagged a car to take us to Kansas City. This is the first leg of the tour that will take me to see my grandma for the first time in a while, a few months more than the amount of time I’ve last been to my home state.

Getting off the plane and walking to the car, there is a sense if your nose that you are no longer in Vancouver, or the Pacific Northwest for that matter. Maybe it’s the dryness of the air, or the fact that you can’t smell the sea air. We certainly don’t have the amount of pine or fir trees that scrub the air and stock the air with oxygen.

iowa rest stop
Photo credit: miss604 on Flickr

Contrary to belief, we have trees among our rolling prairie hills that tend to gather in decent bunches, but folks around here often refer to those areas as “the timber”. It’s a far cry from “the bush” in B.C. that can seemingly swallow a person away from civilization.

It’s very much dryer here, and the skin on my hands and arms are noticing it right away. This was an issue when I lived here, but this is a drastic shift from the wet climate of Vancouver. My arms were so itchy by the time we went to bed on our second night that I had to fight the urge to itch my skin raw before I fell asleep.

cheese We’re actually in route to my hometown right now, heading north on I-35, back in Iowa for the second time on this trip. Our first round was only for a handful of hours, so this will be the longer stay in the “field of opportunities”. I’ve heard rumblings of a basketball game by some of my nephews, and some old friends have made requests for gathering together.

We’re about to round Des Moines for the second time this trip, maybe the third. We got turned around coming out of Des Moines International, and I’m not the most knowledgeable about getting around this city as I am driving around it. Eastern Iowa rules, Central Iowa drools. Never found myself coming here very often.