Von Bondies – c’mon c’mon

Just to help celebrate being two episodes into season four of Rescue Me. Well, at least if you’re in the states. And if you’re a Rescue Me fan, you’ll enjoy the full version of this track, not just the abbreviated-opening-sequence-edit of this awesome Von Bondies track.

I get a ton of hits from people searching for the details of Rescue Me and when it will be on Showcase in Canada. Chances are, you won’t see the first episodes of season four hitting the screen until the end of the season currently running in the states. That means July or August before that happens, but you might be surprised. If anyone has more details, feel free to post the news in the comments.

Update: Thanks to a comment from the folks at the Showcase Blog, which you can find out more on their blog post here, the fourth season of Rescue Me will premiere in Canada on Tuesday, August 28th, 2007.

Lou Barlow – monkey begun

Lou Barlow[wiki] has been a guy that I’ve been following for a long time, but I fear that I am going to completely embarrass myself right now. It wasn’t until this past Friday that DaveO gave me the full back story on the guy, and I discovered that Barlow was one of the founding members of Dinosaur Jr.[wiki], a piece of rock and roll history that has alluded me up until now.

Like any bit of discovery that I stumble into like that, I try to get the complete story as much as I can. Venturing down the YouTube route, I found this clip of Dinosaur Jr. performing on the Jenny Jones Show. Wait, what the… Jenny Jones? Yeah, that floored me, too.

So many years of flipping through CDs at the store and thumbing through station libraries, always thinking, “Hey, I should give that a spin sometime.” I never did, and now the price is being paid. I feel like I should be flogged.

Hum – stars

Hum[wiki] surfaced on my playlist this morning, so I thought I would poke around on YouTube to see if any, still rabid fans have posted anything there. As you can see, they did.

The track “The Pod” was the one that grabbed my attention this morning, but this video for their song “Stars” tripped my memory a tad. I know it’s such a low-fi video, but this was in the days of the mid-90’s where video production wasn’t as accessible as it is now. We were talking that not many people actually make videos these days, and that’s really interesting because all you need a laptop and a camera.

Hum - You’d Prefer An AstronautAnyway, it was one of the first few shifts at KRUI that I discovered Hum. For a few weeks, that zebra on the cover of “You’d Prefer An Astronaut”[wiki] made me curious, but I never gave in until a caller requested this particular song.

Aside from the sudden, quiet to loud beginning of the song that completely over modulated the air signal by peaking the needles solidly in the red of the VU meters (meaning that listening to this on the radio end, it sounded really distorted and like crap), I was immensely in love with the thick, heavy sound that Hum is so well known for. Even in those wee hours of a Saturday morning, sometime between 4AM and 7AM, I knew that this was something to make a note of. One of those moments you remember when and where you were at a time that you discovered something influential in your life.

Hum put out another album after that, “Downward is Heavenward”[wiki], but the band parted ways nearly two years following the release, the farewell show taking place on the final night of the last millennium. There has been a reunion show more than a handful of times, and Matt Talbot went off to lead Centaur[wiki] as well as pop up in other various projects, one of them recently being Neverending White Lights[wiki].

Thus ends this musical lesson journey inside my mind.

The Lost Patrol Band – automatic kids

The Lost Patrol Band is the side project of Dennis Lyxzen[wiki] that has gone from a solo thing to a full fledge band. Name doesn’t sound familiar? Try his previous stint with the band Refused[wiki], and if that doesn’t ring a bell, then The (International) Noise Conspiracy might trip your trigger. Fear not, T(I)NC is still alive and kicking. This is just what Dennis does during the off season.

This is a recent discovery to my musical knowledge. It’s a noticeable departure from what you’ve seen from the previous things that Lyxzen has been apart of. I’ve often read about his guitar playing abilities, so I’m not too surprised to see him with one strapped on. A far cry from his stage dancing, rocking out that I’ve come accustomed to at T(I)NC shows, and the music is a tad more laid back as well. Kinda poppy, a little post-punk, almost power pop. I can dig that.

If you want more, check out the video for “I Don’t Understand” and “Golden Times“. And if those videos aren’t too much for you, gander at “Alright” which features Swedish pop singer Lisa Miskovsky[wiki]. I like it all, and there is some strange flash of Bryan Adams that goes through my head when watching them. Must be that hip, retro thing.

After that, watch the video for “Capitalism Stole My Virginity” and “Reproduction of Death” by T(I)NC. Then for a full circle trip, “New Noise” by Refused. You may want to systematically turn down your speakers as the rock increasingly progresses.

Celebrating the death of DRM with The Toadies

Truly, there is no connection between the deal that Apple made with EMI and this video that I never knew existed by The Toadies[wiki], but I’m stoked about both. Does this mean the end of DRM as we know it? If I could tell you that, I’d be rich.

The Toadies were the band that I saw at my first, real rock show, and I totally dig the hockey jersey Lisa is wearing in this video. In fact, she was wearing one when I saw them play in Davenport, Iowa, but it might have been a Blackhawks jersey. Regardless, she was an intense presence on stage. They broke up about two years back, but The Toadies played a show together in Texas over the past St. Patrick’s Day weekend. Reunion? Remains to be seen.

Why hockey isn’t bigger in the U.S.

Totally stealing this one from J.J.

I am convinced that the only way that hockey is to grow in the U.S. is by instilling a love for the game with the younger crowd. In fact, let me translate this video clip for said folks who live in this said country. She is taking a cue for her, I assume, father that when he says the first name of the player on the Canucks, the little girl responds with the last name of the player. And she’s probably two or three?

Changing rules or scheming marketing plans don’t lure long term fans to a sport, or anything for that matter. Most Canadian fans will tell you that hockey is something they grew up with, and that’s why they are so passionate about it. And even if they’re not living and breathing it, they might still have a fondness for it. And if you think that’s stupid, then ask someone from Mexico as to why anyone would find futbol, aka soccer, interesting.

Kings of Convenience – failure

There are certain songs that take you back to certain moments. This has to be one of them for me. It constantly reminds me that no matter what treks your life has forced you through, it’s going to be alright. You just have to keep your chin up and keep your feet moving. That and I really, really like this song.

Feel free to check out more Kings of Convenience. They have my seal of approval.