Trying to make money off John Chow

I am constantly amazed by John Chow. He’s a making-money-online mad man. As much as I would love to make as much money as he does off his blog, I am far from obtaining the success that he has.

One thing that the guy does is give away free things on his site every so often, and he has something that I wouldn’t mind getting my hands on. Consider this my formal entry.

John Chow dot Com, a blog that helps you make money is giving away a 24″ wide screen LCD monitor! To enter, you just have to write about it. This is my entry. Now give me the monitor! The contest is sponsored by BluFur, who wants to let you know that they’re hosting Canada and the rest of the world.

I think that making this post is all I have to do to get my name put into the hat. 🙂