No Name

No Name Toasted Oat Os We picked this up at the store yesterday while running a few errands. I already mentioned sometime ago about how we really enjoy soy milk with our cereal when we make an effort to pick that up for the morning. When we were faced with either getting Cheerio’s or these No Name Toasted Oat Os, I could not help but want to go with something that literally says “no name” on the package as its brand name, with a registered trademark no less.

And you know what? It’s fantastic! I won’t say that it’s for everyone, but this stuff is good to me. Of course, I’m also the type of guy who got made fun of by roommates in college for buying “Soy O’s” opposed to the typical staples of Captain Crunch or those massive bags of econo-brand Fruit Loops. I also love granola and/or oats more than chocolate and/or cake.

Who knew that, literally, no name could be this good?