it was perfect until the telephone started ringing

This town is gearing up to empty out. The suburbanites will soon retreat to their humble abodes back to the east, and parking spaces will once again become plenty. This is the time of year where this city comes into its prime. The whole town breathes a collective sigh and things start to open up. Depending on the night, you can get a guy with a guitar, a violin, or even both to play you a song on the street. Of course, small donations are accepted, and I give them when I have the cash on me. Remember, they’re starving artists, so give them at least a dollar plus the loose change in your pocket. That’s my rule.

Perhaps the live music downtown isn’t the greatest in terms of my, or your, taste, it’s still live music. That is the most important fact to keep in mind. I found out the other day that we’ll be on the air from the Ped Mall for this year’s Jazzfest, so that will be a good time. A incredibly long, hot day, but good time. What I am really looking forward to is the Orquesta Alto Maiz. Where else in this area will you hear such incredible salsa music on this type of scale? What I really need to do is to learn how to salsa. Perhaps what should be first on that list is a good “salsa partner”.

To lighten the spirits even more, I got the email confirmation for the next camp out, so the date is set for the end of June. Eric’s making the trip as well as Heath and his new bride. I’m sure the usual suspects will be there among some new friends. Hopefully we can avoid the rain this year and play more ultimate. I love the summertime.

i’ve done this before and i will do it again

There once was a man named Heath. The beginning of my college career saw me living with this man. And the word “man” is really an understatement. Heath is a big guy. A teddy bear, if you will. At the age of eighteen, he could pass for at least thirty-five. Trust me on that fact. We were able to get beer a few times that way. And in my sophomore year, we shared a dorm room together. Sadly, Heath didn’t last that first semester, nor was he ever around all that much. Perhaps there’s a correlation there, but who cares? That’s Heath for you.

He tried school again, but nothing seemed to completely click. What everyone does when such things happen to them, he went to New Zealand. A work visa and a year or two later, an email surfaces and says he is off to China. Fast forward closer to today, he’s back stateside. With a wife. Wedding party is in October. Confused? Yeah, me too, but it will be great to see Heath again.

With all the long hours I have been putting into this career that I have found myself in, I have a series of rewards coming to myself. Your average things that make John happy. It is so going to rule.

but ain’t no gyroscope can spin forever

Guess who blew through the alarm clock this morning? As my phone starting yapping at me around ten, I grabbed it in a daze to only hear Jim on the other end. He wasn’t upset. Just wondering where the transmitter keys were. The strange thing is that I was having this totally vivid dream that I was hanging out with Muffin at some college radio station back in his hometown of Burlington. In fact, I remember seeing the campus of the school he’s currently attending down there. 88.9FM was the frequency, but I have no clue about the call letters. There were about twelve people crammed into this studio, and I had absolutely no idea what was going on. They just kept telling me to talk into the mic as was everyone else, all at the same time. In real life, the school doesn’t even have a radio station. So weird.

I think my body needed the extra rest, but for good reason. Around one in the morning last evening, I awoke to the shrill of a female screaming somewhere outside my bedroom window. Understanding the innocent bystander principal, I quickly tried to figure out where it was coming from. Was this person in dire need of assistance? Fight? Rape? Mugging? Horrible break up and a recently cute single girl in need of a rebound guy???? Just as I got my brain pulled out of my happily sleeping daze, I figured it out. The stupid neighbors were watching a stupid movie really stupid loud with their stupid windows open. Stupid people really annoy me. Seriously. Took a while for the pulse to subside.

Being the music nerd I am that lives in my own little world, the new version of iTunes is pretty sweet. They have a “party shuffle” built into it now. I realize I could have made a smart playlist to do the same thing, but hitting play on it is like my personal radio station. With nearly 2,500 songs in my library, I’m listening to stuff I haven’t in quite sometime. Oh yes, it’s quite nice.

won’t you forget about me when i’m gone

Every morning that I go running, I pass by a black pickup truck that is always parked in my neighborhood. I guess I should also mention that two blocks down from my apartment is the local homeless shelter. As you can probably guess, there’s a correlation between the shelter and the truck. The back of the pickup is filled, or more so piled, with various items that, most likely, filled some sort of home a time ago. The passenger side is often crammed with things, nearly to the roof. I would tend to believe that this is one man’s home, as I often see him on one of my various morning routes, sipping coffee and reading the newspaper.

He’s not an unfriendly individual by any means. A few times I have exchanged a friendly “hello” and “good morning” as I pass by. The truck itself is not in bad shape. It’s a large Dodge Ram. Not a very old model. Often pretty clean. Just by what I have been able to understand up to this point, it seems life took an awful, sudden turn for the worst. This just has to be his new home for now. Sometimes, I honestly feel bad when I get home late and park near his vehicle. Then I look over as I walk by, and he’s still asleep. He could just be pretending, but I don’t think he views me as any type of threat. It’s a daily realization of being thankful for everything that you do have.

Life is short. I’m doing the best I can with it.

trickling the ticking of this grandfather clock

It’s been a slow start to this week. Things haven’t been too busy at the station, but the pace is quickly kicking in. With everything that went on last week, it has been kind of nice. It leaves me some time to get the batteries recharge within my head. Also leaves me a little bored and tired.

I swear, the parking nazis in this town are getting worse and worse everyday. Yes, the state economy is getting weak and tossing parking tickets at vehicles down here in the college student ghettos is an easy cash cow, but come on! I could really understand doing this in the winter so you could get people to move their cars as soon as they could in the morning so snow could be removed from the streets, but the weather was even too cold for them parking nazis. With the warmth returning, they show up at five minutes past eight. They are now fifty bucks richer thanks to yours truly.

Obviously, and if you have checked in as of yesterday and today, something has changed to the design of the site. I was bored with it, so I went to work. Different, but the same. Change is good. So is tuna.

you’ll be sad when this has passed

When I was in school, I used to look forward to the day where I would have more time to myself. Those days when I would have a job and have free time outside of work to do the things that I enjoyed. Reading a book, watching movies, or what have you. These days, I look forward to the point in the day that I just get to be at home. After that, sleep. Free time is rare. I don’t think I was ever this busy during my entire time in school. Odd thing is, I’m not tired. When I hit the bed, sleep comes very quickly. On top of that, motivation in the morning is never lacking.

This week has been trying, to say the least. WSUI’s transmitter was a kick in the head. I guess I should say transmitters. People are leaving us, new people are coming in, and changes are all over the place. The new database will go live at the start of June. Jim is leaving that for me to babysit. CPB funding has come through to take KSUI digital, and WSUI should be receiving the same good news very soon. Those new transmitters will have brand new generators to keep them up and running when they arrive. That project is slated for May. That will involve some muscle and time in the sun. And then another BMX digital console coming into the KSUI control room in about a month or so. So there’s the game plan for the summer. I love this job, and I love working for the number one radio station in the market.

The side work at KRUI is about forty percent of the way done. George, Scottie, Jim, and I all busted our butts this week to get it ready for the “official” opening on the new space. Smoke and mirrors, but the event went off beautifully. Unpacking all of the equipment, I just kept asking myself, “What was I thinking?” I would ask George about some of the things we were installing and kept asking why he got so many of this or that. He just told me that he took the list that I compiled nearly two years ago and tweaked it to make it right.

People kept asking me what I thought about it all. First off, it’s going to be a great facility for a college radio station. I finally feel like it’s on pace with other Big Ten radio stations like Radio K or Impact89FM. However, if I knew then what I know now, I would have done some things differently. Getting into those specifics are pointless and petty at this point. Jim put it to me the best way. “Every time you do this, and every project you are apart of or responsible for, it’s a learning process for the next one.” Based on the relationship that I have begun with Jim, George, and Scottie, I understand that the next time will probably be sooner than I think.

Here’s what I do know. A great radio station is not a result of how it is constructed. You can have the best equipment in the world and it can still be awful. Some of the best radio stations in the nation are those held together with the bare necessities. What makes it good is the product. No matter what kind of station you have, it’s the bottom line. No matter if it’s a major donor, an underwriting contract, a commercial sponsor, or some one who just wants to give you five bucks, the product has to be something that is responsible, solid, and something that can be believed in. That means you also need a goal. This can trip you up, so you have to choose wisely. Do you shoot for the moon or chip away? Based on the education that I am getting right now, I’d choose to chip away. Remember, giants can, and will, fall.

Everyday is a learning experience in this business. You have to always remember that. These are just the core ideas that I’m absorbing into the neural networks that run through my brain. Thing is, this is fun for me. I am having a blast.

The only thing I fight with these days is the urge to roll over and sleep in.

can’t push that hand away

I like what I do, so sue me. At the same time, I am pretty tired these days. What I feared happening while Jim was in Vegas did happen. My teeth have been cut on the wonderful world of AM transmitters. It’s the best type of education that I could ever have. Lessons have always been difficult for me to grasp via textbooks and exams. It would be great to earn college degrees through proving your self worth through other means rather than grade point averages and credit hours. At the same time, I count my blessings for the chance at doing what I am. It beats the parking booths for sure.

The KRUI install has swung into full motion. Walking into those realms was odd. My old stomping grounds. This time, I’m not coming in to just help out with the place. I am what is known as a “professional”. I’m being paid for my expertise. It’s an incredibly strange feeling, but it must be what I’ve been brought on for by George in the first place. There is something to be said for being talented and good at what you do. Apparently that applies to me. Thing is, it’s what I do. This all comes second nature to me. Broadcasting, specifically radio, is a life threatening virus. Once it’s in your system, good luck at ever beating it. Even when you’re not doing it, it’s still there, eating away at you.

I wish I could say that I’m this tired because I’ve been partying or spending time with some girl. Yeah… right… ha!

nothing else matters when i turn it up loud

I’m fending off the notion that I might have developed a spring time allergy. Perhaps it’s just this cold hanging on from the Kansas trip, but I could be wrong. As it runs in the family, this very well could turn into something that will suck for the rest of my life.

Stayed up till 3:30AM last night, working at the AM site. We’re running on the back up at one-fifth the normal power. I don’t know anything about fixing transmitters. My boss, who does, is still in Vegas. I have had some help from some great guys, namely George and Scottie, but nothing I can refer to as “fun”.

Grandma came up from KCMO this weekend along with my aunt and two cousins. Might be the last time that my brother and his family comes to town before he ships out again for the mideast. Great family gathering once again. Everyone is glad to see that I have the hair back.

On a final note before bed, I had a dream last night that I went to the bank to make a deposit into my checking account. That was it. That’s all the dream was. How boring is that? Let’s just hope it is a vision of the not too distant future.

i blew apart your volvo and sacrificed your sister

I don’t get headaches very often. When I do, they really, really suck. Naturally, alcohol is the most common explanation for them, but that is something that doesn’t cross my lips very much these days. The pounding that took place in my head today was far from enjoyable. It very well could be stress.

Jim is off to Vegas for a week. If something goes wrong at the station, I’m the one under fire. If a transmitter fails, it’s all on me. Not to mention that I’m helping to look over a television translator that I couldn’t even begin to think about how it works, yet alone being able to understand if anything is remotely wrong in the first place. That guy is in Europe for a few more weeks. Tomorrow is my first, solo gig at running the Java House. The new database is being installed this week, and the guys in from Fargo are leaving tomorrow, putting it all into my hands. Some reason, I feel like I’ll have that tech support number memorized in the not too distant future.

I signed my life over to “the burb” yesterday, but I’m still freaking out about leaving downtown. Who needs a drink?

you’ll be sorry when i’m big

Zach is probably the happiest little boy you will ever meet in your life. He’s probably one of the strongest as well. Born with Angelman’s, he doesn’t have a lot to say, but the things he does speaks thousands of words. He had a rocking birthday party a few weeks ago. Six years old. Time really does fly by for this uncle.

Onto other news…

I have found a place to live. I put in my application for this apartment yesterday and by this morning, I was already approved. It’s pretty sweet. Fireplace, ceiling fans, walk-in closet, an actual bedroom, dishwasher, and deck. A secure building to keep all you stalkers out. Washer and dryer… Let’s just say that again to feel that tingle down my spine one more time… Washer and dryer inside the apartment. Meals at the breakfast nook, so no more eating while sitting on my floor. It’ll be a mansion compared to the ghetto I call home now. Signing that lease later this week will put my strained mind at ease.

George is bringing me in full steam into the KRUI studio install. It will be some extra money in my bank account. He admired the work that I did on the console installation Jim and I teamed up on back in February. Once again, I’ll get paid to learn from some of the best broadcast engineers in the midwest. That’s a fact that I have come to discover as of late. I had the chance to talk to some other engineers in the profession who can’t say enough about these two gentlemen. I thought I felt lucky to work with these guys before, but now I feel pretty honored. Kind of neat to hear my name thrown into the mix once and a while. Trust me, I’m nowhere near the capacity of knowledge that these two guys possess. Is broadcast engineering where I’m going to stay in this profession? I don’t know, but it never hurts to know how everything works behind the scenes when you’re the one calling the shots.

Do you like the Air? New album is down right tasty.