if you’ve got an impulse let it out

Here’s the basic formula. Take your standard bar type game. Figure out which one isn’t very popular with the general public. Find celebrities to go on TV while playing said game. Make them play for money, just like you would in any bar, but donate it to charity. Put it in a cool location, nicely lit set, and promote the hell out of it.

With luck, in a few weeks to months, this game that you have “rediscovered” will become popular again. The fifteen to twenty-six demographic will latch on to it and drag their friends onto this new, cool thing that everyone is doing. Morning TV programs will do stories about it. Cable news will pick it up as a fluff story. Bars will have whole nights of a single event where you pay to play, slowly letting the event drift from weekly, to monthly, to no longer even being payed attention to so they did away with it completely.

That is, of course, until some one comes up with the next best thing.

Celebrity Lawn Darts.

riding waves of doubt turns me inside out

Sales people in general scare me. Someone who holds the duty of doing everything within his or her power to sell you a product just seems slightly on the evil side. What is it that they are not telling you that makes the sale sound so good? That sugar taste in your mouth… is this junk they are telling me really that incredible that I have to buy this thing right here and now?

Don’t wait, act now. Only so many left. You’ll be sorry to let this opportunity pass you by. They’ll even knock off some of the price? How can you not beat that?

Sometimes, it’s difficult to live without them. However, can we lump these people in with the lawyers when we finally decide to begin the crusade? That would be absolutely lovely.

watching the flashbacks in due time

The on ramp is for acceleration.

Most cars can go from zero to sixty miles a hour in about five to twelve seconds, on average. A standard on ramp has about one thousand feet of distance from start to finish. Well, at least around here this fact reigns true. The further south you get, where it’s typically warmer year round, the lengths get shorter.

Do the math. In fact, you don’t even have to do the math. A vehicle that is rated to hit sixty in fifteen seconds should only take a few hundred feet or so to hit a nice merging speed to join the flow of traffic. It’s easy to assume that a vehicle should have the potential of being very close to matching the speed of the posted speed limit. There lies the problem. You’re assuming, and that car ahead of you is freaking out about the semi that just passed over or under the bridge, even though it’s traveling in the right lane, blinker on to indicate that this massive about of metal and machinery will get over to let everyone join in the fun.

You’re stuck. Nowhere to go. Will this person merge, pull of to the side of the road in a panic, or just slam on the brakes? All you want to do is drive your car. Suddenly, you’re life is not exactly in your own hands.

The on ramp is for acceleration.

you spin the wheel and i roll the bones

Normally I’m not one to get into things such as forwards, but The Reverend Don Deeley sent me a good one. So instead of emailing it on to the rest of the world, why not post it here? So, here goes the happy fun music survey.

1. Total amount of music files on your computer:
3,712 songs (20.39 GB)

2. The last CD you bought was:
The Life and Times, “Flat End of the Earth”

3. What is the song you last listened to before reading this message?
“Heaven or the Highway Out of Town” – The Refreshments

4. Write down 5 songs you often listen to or that mean a lot to you.
“Hallelujah” – Jeff Buckley
“Passenger Seat” – Death Cab for Cutie
“Come Home” – The Dismemberment Plan
“Brand New Colony” – The Postal Service
“Like a Friend” – Pulp
“Paint by Numbers” – Self

5. Who are you going to pass this stick to? (3 persons) and why?
I’m passing this on to everyone that reads this. That’s way more than three, but I think that’s fair. Hence the reason why I upped number four to six songs versus five. Do you have any idea how difficult that selection was? Doesn’t even scratch the surface. For this, I put the blame purely on Don Deeley.

That was fun.

i want to but i feel all inside out

Hunter S. Thompson left the world yesterday. There’s nothing more depressing I can think of to say today other than just that. For those who believe that his suicide was a “fitting end,” you have some serious issues. To say that Thompson was a troubled human being or anything is only something he’ll ever know. Granted the guy was a bit on the outlandish side, his writings were an incredibly interesting read. No topic or detail was ever too taboo. He was a great writer. I’ll miss him dearly, but at least we still have what he has left behind.

Let’s just leave it at that for today.

i see now what i never saw

When you make a mistake, learn from what went wrong and make sure you can do everything you can to not let it happen again.

It’s a tough lesson, especially when an entire program doesn’t get aired and there’s nothing you can do after you’ve tried everything possible.

because every moment life is slipping away

I had a good weekend. It was much needed recreation that has long been missed in the recent months. Dick Prall came to town on Friday, did the Java House thing, and then played Gabes. Somehow, the guy remembers me. We’ve brushed paths, but if it weren’t for me giving Ben his CD, he would have never been on the show. Paul and I had a good time hanging out with the guy after the show on Friday night. I got some cards, so we’ll be in touch. Pictures to come in the gallery.

Let’s talk about the grocery store, shall we?

Are you the type who completely blocks the isles when you go shopping? I know that the stores in the greater area of where I call home have isles that are at least two carts wide. Enough for traffic to flow in opposite directions as you would on any city street. However, I find it very unlikely that any sane person would get in the way of an oncoming car, so why do people do this at the store? Some one will pull their cart to one side of the isle, stand on the other side, completely blocking the whole pathway to everything I need. But they don’t budge. They read the labels. They ignore you. These people are everywhere, and you cannot escape them.

At the check out counter tonight, the woman is scanning and bagging my groceries. “Are you cooking dinner tonight?” Of course, I was… for myself. “Oh, that’s good too.”

whoever you are i wanna thank you

I get the flu, and it cranks up to about fifty degrees outside. I get healthy and it drops down below freezing again. I can’t win. There is a conspiracy against me, and I will find out who is responsible. When I do, my baseball bat will be ready.

To this point, I have been pretty quiet about something I have been really getting into as of late. Podcasting. Heard of it? Ok, good, that will save us some time. I’ve done a lot of work to keep that interest separate from what it is that goes on in the text portion of what you are reading right now.

There are things developing that I’ll pass on this way once they happen. Press, conferences, and lots of amazing things that confound my brain in the way the world works. RadioZoom is a lot of fun, and I’m just glad people enjoy it, even if they live on the other side of the globe and can’t speak english. Rock on.

the money it’s a carrot on a string

When you start a project that interrupts the program feed of two radio stations, you don’t stop working on that project until you get both program streams back on the air. It should go without saying that you should also have a very solid understanding about what you are doing with you attempt things such as this. If you don’t, you find yourself running around in panic, mumbling the words, “Why doesn’t this work?”

Expect to repeat this phrase a few times. Don’t forget the swearing… never forget the swearing.

At least it works now.

The amount of projects going on right now are getting out of hand. There’s just so much going on for me alone, but I won’t get into the details. It’s not very exciting, and you would probably start just nodding your head in agreement as I listed them all off, just to be nice.

Warm weather. Holiday. Travel. Now that’s what I’m begging for.

it’s a feeling i’ve had many times before

Inadvertant three day weekend of the most unenjoyable proportions. Within the time span of a few hours, I felt it come on. It’s not unusual to feel tired as the day wears on, but around five, I knew what was going on. I didn’t want to believe, but I thought it would be better to head home. I crawled into bed only to wake up a short time later with a stomach ache.

It didn’t stop for about the next six hours. The flu is going around. It found me, and the experience wasn’t fun. As soon as the fun started, it stopped. The effects have been lasting and recovery has taken a little time. More importantly, I’ve given it a little time for my body to regain full composure. It could have been the stress that I have previously mentioned that allowed this to take over, so it’s been good to just take it easy.

Tomorrow starts another week with lots of projects going on. There’s more going on, but for now, time to get ready for the week.