Living in close quarters with a fellow, Vancouver blogger, aka my wife[miss604], we tend to get the same spam. Take the Matchstick stuff for example. We both got that email and have slick, mobile phones at no charge. And then there is email from this guy, who shall remain nameless.
Hey There,
My name is —– and I’m a Vancouverite trying to get more involved in the
local blogging community.My blog is —————- and I blog about what I’m passionate about,
Reality TV, Politics and Vancouver, an odd combination, but it seems to work
fairly well, at least so far. I update everyday and usually multiple times, so
my blog isn’t going to get stale anytime soon.Anyways, as I’m trying to get into the Vancouver blogging scene I was
wondering if there would be anyway to get my site added onto your Blogroll? I
would, of course, be more than happy to add Audihertz to my blogroll as well.Thanks for taking the time out to read this, let me know if you have any
questions for me. I look forward to hearing back from you.
Rebecca got the same email, with a minor change, of course.
Hey There,
My name is —– and I’m a Vancouverite trying to get more involved in the
local blogging community.My blog is —————- and I blog about what I’m passionate about,
Reality TV, Politics and Vancouver, an odd combination, but it seems to work
fairly well, at least so far. I update everyday and usually multiple times, so
my blog isn’t going to get stale anytime soon.Anyways, as I’m trying to get into the Vancouver blogging scene I was
wondering if there would be anyway to get my site added onto your Blogroll? I
would, of course, be more than happy to add Miss 604 to my blogroll as well.Thanks for taking the time out to read this, let me know if you have any
questions for me. I look forward to hearing back from you.
Now, please don’t think I’m trying to be a snob here because yesterday, the same dude emailed me with this thing about free coffee from Starbucks. Certainly enough, Rebecca got the same thing in her inbox. Yes, I’m all about free stuff. However, I never responded after the first email, but it was something I was considering. I’m thinking twice now that I’ve been told that there is a way to get free coffee by clicking on some link in an email that takes me to said dude’s site.
The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary defines “spam”[m-w] as “unsolicited usually commercial e-mail sent to a large number of addresses.” Two people, meaning Rebecca and I, isn’t really a “large number,” but I would have to put this solicitation on the spam side of the fence. And if the guy actually read our blogs, he’d know that she gets a lot more traffic than I do, at least in terms of comments. Our writing is different from each other and is not an important topic to get into right now.
I’ve always found that blogger etiquette is to check out other people’s sites, read them, comment on posts, and create an interactive relationship in that manner. This method makes me tend to believe that this guy might be one of those poser blogs. Just a way to get you there to click on the Google Ads which litter his site. Even if you’re not, then this is the impression that you have given me.
“And for the future? You came on a little strong.“
Yeah, I got that email, too. I don’t add anyone to my blogroll except people that I know. There is a blog I read semi-regularly right now but that’s only because it’s about Big Brother and I’ll stop reading after the show is done so I’m not adding it to my blogroll. It’s in one of my blogs but that’s about as far as it’ll go.
I do have sites of interest on my blog. But those are ones that I find fun & interesting. Otherwise, I have to know you or you have to be recommended by people that I know before I’ll add you to my sidebar. š
I know and like both of YOU :p
heheheehheheheheheheheh got it tooooo
but at least he linked your lovely wife first ! š
Hey Guys,
That annoying spammer person was me. I apologize to everyone that I sent the email to and shouldn’t have been so lazy.
I am genuinely interested in getting more involved in the vancouver community and my blog isn’t just a money grab or sham by any means. Doing this stuff is something I really enjoy and have a passion for and my goal with the emails was to let the local blogs out there know I exist and that I’m a local blogger as well.
I didn’t mean to harass or annoy anyone and I apologize if it came across as spam, which I can completely see. I’ll have to chalk this one up to being to stupid and lazy.
However, I do thank Rebecca for the time she put into her response and the suggestions she gave me, it was much appreciate.
Once again, sorry to everyone I bugged with this email, I certainly won’t be doing it again.
Greg (Soultrance)
OHHHH and that damn phone… you lucky ducks!!!! im on pissy fido so i couldn’t have it that dog has me on a leash MAN.
Don’t be too hard on yourself! I’ve checked out your site, and the content is interesting, and not once did I say anything about what you write. I think it’s great that you want to be apart of the community. It’s also not my right to say that I’m “in” or as to what circles of the numerous communities that I exist in.
You’ve done a good job of proving who you are a little bit more, and that’s a much better approach than mass emails. Joining a community isn’t something that happens over night, and getting readers doesn’t come at the flip of the switch. I fall back on what Tony Pierce, an L.A. blogger, once said about blogging in general; People will come. Just be passionate about what you do and keep doing it.
You’re already showing that you’re not stupid or lazy to make follow ups. If anything, take it as contructive criticism. I’m learning from mistaking you as spam. It’s all a process. I might just have to add you to my RSS feeds now and see what you’re all about for a while.
Thanks for the reply John, I really appreciate it.
If you do jump on with RSS, I hope you like reality TV. š
I hate reality TV. Rebecca sucks me into some shows, but I don’t pay attention otherwise.
Rockstar, Amazing Race, Top Model… uh huh… sure :p
I’m addicted to Rock Star right now. I used to hate reality TV too, things change. š
I got that email too!
(sorry, I’m late to the comment party)
Don’t worry. I’m always late to the comment party.
Reality TV is TV Land’s way of rotting your brain even more. There’s so much in your face action and it’s so “real” that you get sucked into it even if it’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever seen (*cough cough* Treasure Hunters). I’ve cut back on my reality TV watching. No more Survivor or Apprentice for me but unfortunately I always end up picking up one or two more to replace them. This summer I’ve watched Big Brother (there’s nothing else on) and Treasure Hunters, which I sucked John & Rebecca into watching after awhile.
Now, I just gotta get ready for Dancing with the Stars & Amazing Race. I think those are the only reality TV shows on my schedule for this season…… š