100th podcast to be released this week

I’ve mentioned it in the last few episodes, but the 100th episode of RadioZoom will be released this week. It is a faily large milestone in the history of the podcast, but I’m still a little confused as to how I should mark the occasion.

One thing I’d like to do is play some clips of the first few shows that I released. At that point, my intensions with the podcast was music. That has been the underlying focus on a lot of the things that I have done in my life. Beginning with high school and continuing to today, it’s a passion that constantly floats in the background of my everyday life.

The focus has shifted to being more about my life here in Vancouver now, not to mention the part time co-host, aka my wife, that joins me from time to time. With my current immigration status to this country preventing me from having the ability obtain employment here, she is more instrumental at making this podcast possible than you probably know. A lot of my discoveries about the amazing city that Vancouver is comes through a lot of experiences she introduces me to and we share. All the mistakes in terms of me calling people, places, and things by the wrong name are completely my fault. I’m still learning.

Coming up to the century mark, it makes me reflect on what I am doing and everything that has led up to now. I guess it’s something that I go through every so often, but the time and effort that I have put into this says something.  I like making things using the abilities that I have.  Taking an idea from conception to reality is an amazing reward we have as human beings.  And even if I fail or do it poorly, my synapses fire and make new connections for the next time.

I’m not planning on marking the 100th with too much hoopla.  My listeners might not notice the milestone pass by for the most part, but that might result in my own fault in maintaining a better base of contact with all of you out there that do check in(and this excludes my family).  There are plenty of ways to contact me if you wish to, and I try to do my best to reply directly to those who do send in comments, if not through mentions on the podcast.

I do the podcast for the same reason that this blog exists.  I like doing these things.  There are elements where this is work, but the reward one gets from it, albeit not for profit at this stage in my life, is what keeps me going.  And until the government of Canada allows me to do otherwise, this is about as full time as it gets.


One Reply to “100th podcast to be released this week”

  1. i remember your first shows. i probably have some floating about my harddrive somewhere, well maybe not, but i wouldn’t doubt it.

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